Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy International Dance Day!

Today - April 29 - is International Dance Day. Held world wide every year on the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre, a French choreographer who revolutionized ballet production during the 18th Century, this day encourages all of us to engage with dance.

This year's International Dance Day message is by Flemish Moroccan choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, and it's incredibly relevant to all aspects of our lives.

I also highly recommend the Canadian message, put together by the Canadian Dance Assembly and authored by Yvon Soglo, Crazy Smooth.

(The above is provided with a big nod to Victoria School of the Arts' weekly newsletter, for pointing me in this direction.)

Happy Dance Day, everyone!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Vote Arts in Alberta

There are only 9 campaigning days left in Alberta's provincial election. I encourage everyone to cast a ballot, and, when you do, I sincerely encourage you to consider each party's Arts platform when you do. To help with this, here are a few websites, in no particular order:

Alberta Liberal Party Election Platform - the Arts Policy is on pages 24 and 25 of this .pdf

Alberta Party Creative Industries Policy

Alberta New Democrats' Arts Platform

Alberta Progressive Conservatives Platform - the Arts Policy is on page 32 of this .pdf

Wildrose Alliance Policy Green Book - I was unable to find a specific Arts Policy on their website, and this document does not seem to be searchable, but that could mean I missed it. I am providing a link here and will post an update if I do find anything.

There are several other, smaller parties running candidates in the provincial election and I am not aware of all of them, however, check out the following sites for further information, which is posted as it's available:

ArtsVote Calgary

Professional Arts Coalition of Edmonton (PACE)

PACE also has a facebook page and a twitter feed, so feel free to check these as well.

Again - please vote, and please consider the Arts when you do. Ask your friends and colleagues to do the same. Our society will only be richer when this happens.